Vormittagskurs: Tai Chi und Qigong in English Language
Endlich bieten wir wieder einen Tai Chi-Kurs am Vormittag an! Dieser Kurs startet ab September und wird vorwiegend in englischer Sprache gehalten.
Tai Chi Course in English Language: Tuesdays, 10:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Starting from September, 2024.
Register now for the free trial lesson on August, 27, at 10:15 a.m.: info@tai-chi-bonn.com .
Tai Chi Chuan (Taijiquan) is an ancient and distinctive form of exercise that had ist origins in China. Today, people all over the world practise Tai Chi regularly. It is widely known as a fascinating system of combined health exercises, but it is also one of the inner martial arts.
In our Tai Chi classes, we teach the Yang style “form“, which is a choreography of movements. All lessons begin and end with a short Qigong sequence. In order to better grasp the meaning of the Tai Chi form movements, we often also do some easy-to-learn (and harmless!) partner-drills.
Should you have any questions, don`t hesitate to contact us via E-Mail.
Immer dienstags von 10:15 bis 11:30 Uhr. Ein Direkteinstieg ist möglich!
Anmeldung per Email oder Telefon 0228-97 46 55 40.